Plan Ahead: Document Your Personal Health Care Decisions
Advanced Care Planning is a process of understanding your health situation and your options. It’s a chance to reflect on your own values and beliefs and to have a meaningful discussion with your loved ones and your healthcare providers. Having everyone aware of your wishes helps to relieve anxiety — both yours and that of your family — when healthcare decisions must be made.
Most people say that their loved ones ‘know exactly’ or ‘have a good idea’ what their wishes would be if they were unable to make their own healthcare decisions. Yet only half say that they’ve actually talked to their relatives about their preferences.
Ohio’s Hospice LifeCare sponsors a program called Choices to assist you and your loved ones with discussing wishes regarding healthcare decisions. A trained Advanced Care Planning facilitator can come to you to lead a conversation regarding your goals and wishes. This process can include putting your thoughts in writing through the completion of an advance directive which can include a living will and/or a durable power of attorney for healthcare. Have you had this vital discussion with your family? Let us help you start the conversation today.